Sunday, May 27, 2007

Prepping Me, As Usual

You know those moments in your life where everything's building up to one point in the future? Where you can feel God slowly preparing you for something bigger than yourself? I'm in that stage right now. SugarPine is in a week, and I think it's a good thing that I took a week off before leaving so I could soak in what God's gonna give me. I haven't really become aware of anything new or experienced something out of the blue, but I think God is reawakening my heart to my memories of last summer, and specifically where my heart and mind should be focused.

It feels odd to say goodbye to this life for three months. Everything's reached a point in this life, a satisfaction that seems like it's gonna stay awhile. I was rolling that over in my mind, and realized that while most might be sad about leaving for the whole summer, I'm not so much. It's a change of pace, it's gonna let me take a 180 turn for three months doing the work of God, and if there are things in my life that don't belong, it'll be much easier to shake them off when I come back.

I really don't know what this summer's gonna be about. Before it was about me out of high school and giving it my first shot at reality on my own legs and learning what it meant to live a real life for God. I don't really know what God wants me to specifically do or learn this year. I'm gonna laugh if it's all gonna be nostalgia. I don't think it will though, since Chrissie told me we're gonna be celebrating Christmas and Easter on Thursdays. Go figure.

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